Make a Booking Inquiry
We are able to offer the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Autism and Learning Disabilities Tier 1 and Tier 2, as well as Tier 1 and Tier 2 Facilitator and Expert with Lived Experience Training for organisations wanting to train staff to deliver in house.
We can provide the training at any location across the U.K or at our office in Taunton, Somerset.
We can also provide bespoke training on:
Learning Disabilities
Pathological Demand Avoidance
Adverse Childhood Experience
The 12 Step Anxiety Program
We have considerable experience working with CQC registered Organisations, Schools, Businesses and NHS Health Education England to deliver bespoke co-produced and mandatory training.
Please scroll down to complete the booking form - on receiving this form we will email you a quote as soon as possible, typically within 48 hours.
For additional information or assistance:
phone - 07507861388
email -
If you are unsure of the training needs of yourself or your staff, please refer to the flowchart below: